Job Search Guide:

Find your dream job!

Discover expert tips and secrets to conquer the job market with this comprehensive guide. Transform your job search, resume, and interview skills to land the career of your dreams.

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Job Search Guide

What can you learn from this book

Learn how to land your dream job with insider knowledge and professional tips from an experienced career coach.

Expert Tips

Discover the best strategies for crafting your resume, acing interviews, and networking your way to success with insider knowledge and pro tips.

Competitive Edge

Stand out among the competition and succeed in your job search with the edge you need from the insider knowledge and professional tips in this book.

Job Search Guide eBook 3

Comprehensive Guidebook

Get an all-in-one guidebook that covers all aspects of the job search process, from writing your resume to conducting informational interviews.

Job Search Guide eBook 1

Discover Industry Secrets

Learn the truth about the job market and industry secrets that hiring managers don’t want you to know. Unlock your true potential and apply with confidence.

Land Your Dream Job With Job Search Guide

Job Search Guide eBook 1

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Jan Tegze

About the author

A Talent Acquisition Leader with progressive experience managing international teams and establishing processes. Jan is a sourcing trainer, recruitment expert, blogger, speaker, and career coach.

Jan Tegze

Jan Tegze

Career Coach, Speaker, Writer
Author of Job Search Guide
Cover image of the book Job Search Guide: Be Your Own Career Coach/ Networking Tips

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